Home to a collection of data-sharing and mapping tools for natural
resource management, biodiversity and conservation
With its coral reefs, rainforests, volcanic soil and mineral wealth, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is rich in natural resources. Following the lead of the government’s ambitious digital transformation initiative, which has turned its attention to natural resource management (NRM) efforts, UNDP has now launched the Papua New Guinea NRM Hub, home to a range of online tools for collecting, sharing and managing environmental datasets from local, national and global sources.

Biodiversity and Climate Geoportal
Built using GeoNode – an open-source, web-based platform for sharing and using geographic data – the Biodiversity and Climate Geoportal Geoportal will allow PNG’s academics, policymakers, civil society organisations and communities to access, share, collect and analyse the region’s environmental data for better policy- and decision-making.
The Bougainville Natural Resource Portal
A one-stop portal where policymakers and technical teams can access environmental maps and datasets to make informed environmental policies and investments for managing the abundant natural resources of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.

The Lukim Gather App
A mobile data collection application for collecting conservation and biodiversity data for better protected area management. Its design enables communities all over PNG to record and report a wide range of information for better planning, advocacy, and investment prioritization.
PNG Biodiversity
The PNG Biodiversity website an online toolkit providing information on Protected Areas in Papua New Guinea (PNG) – its history, targets, legislation, initiatives, reports, financing, and advocacy.

Papua New Guinea has 2.15 million hectares of protected land. Ensuring that this land stays protected is the challenge facing local communities, the government and environmental stakeholders.
Environmental Analysis
A comprehensive environmental analysis report providing in-depth information relevant to conservation areas and the management of natural resources and natural disasters within Papua New Guinea.

Open Source
Are you interested in developing your own digital tools for collecting and managing data? All products under the NRM Hub are open source, following the UNDPs Digital Strategy to advocates for open digital standards and open data. Check out the offerings on the UNDP PNG Github account, report a bug, fork the code, and become part of a collaborative community of practitioners.